Once a year the Woman’s Club of St. Matthews host an Open House so that any member of the community can visit to see what the woman’s club is all about and possibly inquire about membership, although, new members are welcome at any time throughout the year.
Displays are provided so that members can welcome visitors with a walking tour of a year in the life of WCSM membership.
The 2024 Open House was held at the meeting room at St. Matthews City Hall. Members gathered to meet potential new members and explain what the Club is about. Posters with information on programs and other activities are on display for everyone to see. Click on any photo to view the posters in larger carousel format. Below are pictures from the Open House.
- Food and decorations
- Food looks delicious
- Teri, Leigh, and Carol
- Sandra joins the group
- The Website
- Education and Library Program
- Volunterring at Supplies Overseas
- Derby Party
- Health and Wellness
- Civil Outreach and Mah Jong
- Book Club
- Fran’s awarding winning photo
- Another of Fran’s photos
- Judy, Penny, Lynn, Denise and Kathy
- Sandra with her book club display
The 2023 Open House was held at the meeting room at St. Matthews City Hall. Members gathered to meet potential new members and explain what the Club is about. Posters with information on programs and other activities are on display for everyone to see. Click on any photo to view the posters in larger carousel format. Below are pictures from the Open House.
- Website along with Goodwill display
- SOS display
- Scholarship information
- Health and Wellness
- Education and Library
- Derby Party
- Used greeting cards collected
- Just for Fun – Mah Jong
- Just for Fun – Book Club
Pictures from the Open House. Click on any photo to view in larger carousel format.
- Lynn meets everyone as they come in
- Members meeting interested person
- Taking potential member around
- Discussing programs with potential member
- Members catching up
- Lunch is served
Open House 2022
The Club held their first Open House since 2019. There was a large crowd there.
Click on any photo to view in larger carousel format
- Hall is decorated for event
- Welcoming potential new member
- Answering questions
- Enjoing each other’s company
- Discussing Club events
- Lunch with potential new members
- Everyone enjoys themselves
- Another group catching up
- More conversations
- Members enjoy a lighter moment
- Members share their stories
- Potential members
- Members catch up
- Lunch is served
- Everything looks delicious
- Members enjoy lunch
- Lunch with potential member
- Lots of conversations
- Questions answered
- Member joins the group
- Various items discussed
- Club’s birthday cake
- Display regarding GFWC
- Scholarship display
- Second Chances Wildlife Fund and SOS
- Website and Derby Party
- Olmsted Parks Conservancy and special speaker Teresa Schmidt
- Bridge and Mah Jong
- Display of arts and crafts
- Many interesting items
Open House 2019
Click on any photo to view in larger carousel format
- Guests are registered at the Welcome table.
- All Guests are personally escorted by members.
- Members explain the meanings of each display,
- Donation Display
- Questions from guests.
- Heifer International
- International contributions made by the clubwomen
- A guest learns about our scholarship program.
- Scholarship Display
- Fun groups display
- Cardboard tubes for Animal shelters
- Many guests attend
- Celebrations Display
- Members and Guests
- Program & Voluntering Display
- Arts and Crafts Display
- Conservation Display
- Depicting Care Cards & Cardboard tubes
- Depicting the clubs Supplies OverSeas Volunteering.
- Depicting tabs for Ronald McDonald House & plastic caps
- Depicting Box Tops for Education collection & Recycling
- Refrechments anyone?
- A delicious buffet
- An inviting display
- An offering of drinks and desserts
- Members meet our many guests
- Everyone is active in meeting one another.
- A time to enjoy refreshments together
- Lots of conversations
- (L-R) WCSM President & GFWC KY President Elect & WCSM Clubwoman
Club Displays from Past Open Houses
Click on any photo to view in larger carousel format
- GFWC & WCSM participation
- Scholarships , Collections & Donations
- Art and & International Programs
- Depicting past and upcoming programs
- Community Service & Out Reach
- Veterans Program
- Celebrations
- Club Field Trips
Come Join Us Today! Membership Application: Click Here
View a list of WCSM upcoming programs and events. Click Here
Discover the history, accomplishments, and milestones of WCSM Click Here
Learn more about General Federation of Women’s Clubs
GFWC Kentucky Click Here
GFWC International Click Here