Service to the St. Matthews Community
We are proud of our accomplishments, and look forward to our future actions, where we strive to surpass our goals and objectives to make positive impacts for the benefit of others.
[efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”1938 – 1940 Mrs. E. V. Bazzell (Agnes)” text=” The Woman’s Club of St. Matthews was formed on April 7, 1938. Fifteen Charter Members met at the home of Mrs. Ray Wilson. Mrs. John Heil, Governor of the Thrid District of the Kentucky Federation of Women’s Clubs, assisted in organizing the club. It was agreed to call the club The Woman’s Club of St. Matthews. Social and cultural advancement, along with civic improvements of the community were the goals of the club. The first branch library for the St. Matthews was established under this administration. The club joined the KFWC on May 16, 1938. The new Highway 60 was opened and dedicated by Governor Chandler on July 16, 1938. Our club hosted the luncheon for this event. A Woman’s Club chorus was organized and the first practice session was held on October of 1939.”]
[efitems title=”1940 – 1942 Mrs. Robert Dickman (Mary)” text=”The first book review group was organized by the Library Committee on October 1940, with eighteen members attending. The Junior Woman’s Club and the sub Junior Department were organized on September 10, 1940. Twenty-six members were present at the first meeting of the sub Juniors. The pet project of this administration was a kindergarten which opened at Greathouse School. Forty children attended.”]
[efitems title=”1942 – 1944 Mrs. Herbert Hincks (Gyn)” text=”The administration worked in many area of war service. Community Booths staffed by club members were set up in St. Matthews for the sale of war bonds. Over $11,000 in bonds and war stamps were sold during the months of June, July and August 1942. A large day room for soldiers was equipped at Bowman Field; the club participated in the county-wide scrap metal drive; every member was engaged in the war effort.
Our spirits were lifted the first time we sang our beautiful club song Monday, written by our clubwoman, Mrs. John C. Carroll.”]
[efitems title=”1944 – 1946 Mrs. Leland Wilson (Billie)” text=”Our club members concentrated on all phases of war service and sold over one million dollars in war bonds. The property on which our clubhouse stood on Shelbyville Road in St. Matthews, was purchased in 1945. A building fund was established and the building committee started working with the architect on plans for the building. We were instrumental in obtaining the land for the memorial shaft honoring the boys of our community who lost their lives in the war. The shaft stands on the triangle in St. Matthews. ( At the split of Lexington and Frankfort Avenues)”]
[efitems title=”1946 – 1948 Mrs. John E. Carroll (Hazel)” text=”The club held large fundraising projects. Two automobiles were raffled and card parties were held in hotel ballrooms. A contract was signed with the builder. The cost to build the clubhouse was $38,700. A St. Matthews bank loaned the club $28,700. Ground breaking ceremonies for the clubhouse took place on September 20, 1947 and the building was completed in the summer of 1948.”] [efitems title=”1948 – 1950 Mrs. Arthur F. Wolpert (Nancy)” text=”During the summer of 1948, the building committee spent many hours purchasing the necessary equipment for the clubhouse. Under this administration many new committees were set up to take care of the added responsibilities of the clubhouse and grounds. A mountain school that we sponsored in Powell County, Kentucky was enthusiastically supported by all members as we supplied food, clothing, schools supplies and playground equipment.”] [efitems title=”1950 – 1952 Mrs. E. H. Webb (Justine)” text=”At this time, it seemed out nation might be drawn into the Korean conflict and people began to hoard food. Our club launched a curb hoarding campaign. The Courier-Journal liked the idea and provided pledge slips which were mailed over the entire country. Every member of our club signed a pledge. This program was of effective that we received a letter of commendation from the White House. Several caravans a year were made to Nada, our Eastern Kentucky School. We helped with their many needs. Members worked with hospital units at Fort Knox. The Garden Department flower shows were recognized statewide. Membership in the club had grown to 400 with a waiting list.”] [efitems title=”1952 – 1954 Mrs. E. Sherman Lodewick (Nancy)” text=”Nancy was the first of our presidents to attend a national convention of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. The goal of this administration was friendliness and a congenial atmosphere.
The club joined with twenty-eight local organizations in making St. Matthews Charity Bazaar a success. Our booth served hot cakes, coffee and milk. Club members did volunteer work at the old folks home in Jeffersontown and two wards at Lakeland Hospital. Our club and the Buechel Woman’s Club served a Sunday night buffet supper at the USO Club for 500 soldiers and their dates. Club members did volunteer work with the Red Cross.
We enjoyed the beautiful programs given by our club chorus. We were proud of the chorus as it performed at many state meetings of the Kentucky Federation of Woman’s Clubs.”]
[efitems title=”1954 – 1956 Mrs. W. C. Cruse, Jr. (Marge)” text=”The Yourth Conservation and Civic Committees started the Junior Student Service Center. This was a joint community program shared with the Lyndon Woman’s Club. It provided summer jobs for boys twelve to sixteen years of age. Many business places were contacted and the response was great. Over 300 boys were placed in jobs the first year. The second year proved to be very successful. We received much publicity from the local press. Our Youth Employment Program won the highest national award in youth conservation at the General Federation of Women’s Club Convention. All of Kentucky was proud of the St. Matthews club.
The Gold Leaf Shadow Box, a memorial to our club presidents, was placed in the foyer in January 1956. Miniature pictures of the club presidents are placed in the box.
We BURNED our MORTGAGE on the building in April 1956. The $28,700 loan was paid off in seven years. All our past club presidents were given honorary memberships.”]
[efitems title=”1956 – 1958 Mrs. Paul A. Clark (Lucille)” text=”A special project was adopted during this administration, i.e. the club paid the expenses incurred, up to a stipulated amount, for corrective dental work for a little girl from the Kentucky Children’s home. Through the efforts of the club and the Board of Trustees, a Baldwin grand piano was presented to the club. Installation services were held for the officers of the Meadow Heights Woman’s Club on September 17, 1957. This was the largest club ever formed in the state federation. The St. Matthews club was the sponsor of the new club.
The Junior Students Service Center was brought to the attention of all federated clubs throughout the United States in a bulletin sent out from the GFWC Headquarters in Washington.”]
[efitems title=”1958 – 1960 Mrs. Robert C. Fritz (Leola)” text=”The National Convention of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs was held in Detroit in June 1958. We joined with many Kentucky club women in arranging a reception for Miss Chloe Gifford, a Kentucky woman, who was elected President of the GFWC. Mrs. Arthur Wolpert, our club’s floral authority, was flown to Detroit to design flower arrangements for the ballroom and other areas. The club voted to adopt the Sidney Eline Library as a sustaining project and a contribution of $500 was made. A three-day Home Preparedness Workshop for the St. Matthews Community was sponsored by the Civil Defense Department”]
[efitems title=”1960 – 1962 Mrs. C. B. Stone (Clara)” text=”During this administration our impressive flower shows continued to draw state-wide attention. The Garden Department won top awards in flower shows at the 1960-61-62 Kentucky State Fairs. Two of our members demonstrated flower arranging for the public at the fair.
A seat belt chairman was appointed with our club being the first in the district to promote this safety measure. The sub Junior Department grew to thirty-one members. Monthly parties for the patients of the Ft. Knox and Veteran’s Hospitals continued with many club members providing food and entertainment. Weekly visits to two wards at Lakeland Hospital were continued.”]
[efitems title=”1962 – 1964 Mrs. J. R. Rodahaffer (Lucille)” text=”At the beginning of this administration the president suggested listing first names of all members in the year book so that everyone could be better acquainted. Chartered bus trips to Brown County, Indiana for lunch and sight-seeing were enjoyed during this regime. The Sidney Eline Library continued to be the club’s project. Members gave many volunteer hours working in the library. Card parties provided the necessary financial support.
In April of 1963, the club celebrated it’s 25th anniversary. The chorus gave a beautiful Spring Birthday Program. The interior of the club was a flower garden complete with fountain, a wishing well, evergreen trees and a gravel walk. A beautifully decorated cake with a silver number 25 rounded out the party atmosphere. This celebration completed the history of our club’s first 25 years and all members looked ahead with confidence to the next 25 years.”]
[efitems title=”1964 – 1966 Mrs. Richard H. Hall (Katherine)” text=”Different committees in the club were put in charge of fund raising instead of having one chairman responsible for all projects. This plan was also applied to the dining room with a different chairman in charge each month.
The big social event was the Charity Ball held a the Capitol in Frankfort, Kentucky on December 3, 1965. This was given by the Kentucky Federation of Woman’s Clubs to raise funds to build a Rehabilitation Center for Girls, later to be known as Jewel Manor. Governor Ned Breathitt and our own State President, Mrs. Jewel Hamilton, presided as the club presidents from all over Kentucky marched down the marble staircase with their escorts. Bill Gladden, of television station WAVE, announced the names of the presidents and the clubs they represented. Dancing followed the march.”]
[efitems title=”1966 – 1968 Mrs. Harold T. Hotopp (Betty)” text=”During this term of office the sub Junior Department, the Adelphions, collected clothing and other items for girls at Jewel Manor. One girl was completely outfitted. The sub Juniors raised money to purchase a washing machine, which was badly needed by a local orphanage. The also collected seven hundred books for the school library. A bridge marathon was launched in October 1967 and continued into the next century. Much improvement was made to the interior of the clubhouse and grounds.
In November of 1967. Marge Cruse, a member of our club, was elected State Representative from the 47th Legislative District of Jefferson County by the largest number of votes ever cast in the district. The club emerged from this administration as an Honor Club after winning many awards at the Kentucky Federation of Women’s Clubs state convention.”] [efitems title=”1968 – 1970 Mrs. Julian Sapp (Hilda)” text=”Clubwoman Katherine Hall established a $300 scholarship at Transylvania College in Lexington, Kentucky. This provided assistance to a worthy student. In March of 1969 the Agnes Bazzell Memorial Fund was raised. Money came from former club members who remembered the first tow years of the Woman’s Club of St. Matthews.
The club made contributions in the name of our Community Improvement Program to the Sidney Eline Library , Maria Product, Inc., and Jewel Manor. The club voted to adopt Marie Products, Inc. as a sustaining project. This worthy project helped retarded children find their places in society. Junque and Jewels was started during this administration.”][efitems title=”1970 – 1972 Mrs. Charles Metzger (Jessie)” text=”Maria Products, Inc., 149 Vernon Avenue, Louisville, was a very special undertaking for the club. Mentally handicapped young adults were employed by this newly formed company which was headed by the daughter of one of our club members. Under the supervision of trained people, their hand-made items found a market in this city. The club provided funds for decorating the interior of the large building and many hours of volunteer service was given by club members. Our club supported the Jewel Manor Treatment Center. The first dishwasher was installed. A big drainage problem was solved as we connected to the St. Matthews Sanitation Sewer at this time.”]
[efitems title=”1972 – 1974 Mrs. Howard L. Blair (Nettie Lee)” text=”The club sponsored a voter registration program in the fall of 1972. An authorized notary was present at the club to lawfully register citizens who had never registered or who had missed voting in the last two general elections. Club members dressed twenty-one dolls for the Salvation Army to be sold at the 1972 Kentucky State Fair. The new state curtains and back drops were installed in 1873. The Younger Woman’s Department had the first Valentine Dinner Dance at the River Road Country Club in February 1974. The City of St. Matthews obtained a right-of-way for our club for a left turn off of Shelbyville Road in the club driveway. Birthday tables were decorated in keeping with holidays of each month and members enjoyed the fellowship at their special tables.”]
[efitems title=”1974 – 1976 Mrs. Alvin W. Graef (Erna)” text=”In the summer of 1974 the Community Improvement Committee sponsored the Potato Queen contest for the St. Matthews Jaycees. The purpose of reviving the old Potato Festival was to raise funds with which to purchase the St. Matthews Community Center. The next year the same committee, with $500 from the Lions Club, and over $500 from our club members, decorated and furnished carpeting and furniture for the Senior Citizens lounge in Harvey Browne Church.
The Education Committee sponsored a defensive driving course and an estate planning seminar. At the Matt Waltkins benefit, a check for $1,500 was presented to Matt Watkins to defray medical expenses of his critically ill daughter. A Bicentennial Dinner on April 13, 1976 featured The Story of the Stars and Stripes. Total money given to charity during this administration was $3,962. This included $1,000 given to Cedar Lake Lodge.”]
[efitems title=”1976 – 1977 Mrs. Bradley O. Turner (Sophie)” text=”In the summer of 1976, a business meeting was called to determine how to finance a new roof, lights, and ceiling for the auditorium. In order to finance these projects, members were asked to leand the club $25 or $50 each. At the business meeting each month two names were drawn. Members were reimbursed in this manner. A new furnace was installed and members were asked to make contributions. Members responded very well to this need.
Due to personal problems, the president served one year in this office, making this the shortest administration.”]
[efitems title=”1977 – 1980 Mrs. Lucas Floyd (Mary Ann)” text=”A benefit card party was given in the summer of 1978 by the board of directors to make money for a public address system which was installed in time to be used at the September opening meeting of the club. During the March 1978 meeting of the Hall Reviewers it was unanimously voted to five a book each month to the club library in memory of Katherine Hall, a former club president. The club was presented with an original painting of an iris, which is the club’s chosen flower. Mrs. Clarice Poynter painted the iris and Mrs. Evelyn Krebs donated it in memory of her son, whose favorite flower is the iris.”]
[efitems title=”1980 – 1982 Mrs. Stuart Harlowe (Elizabeth)” text=”The September 1981 convention of the Kentucky Federation of Women’s Clubs offered many important events. A very informative seminar on the prevention of shop lifting was conducted by Juli Rogers of Atlanta. A parliamentary work shop and a legislative debate was of great interest. A delightful cruise on the Bonnie Bell was enjoyed by 150 ladies. Contributions of $2,297.83 were made to charities during 1980-81. Twenty-five hundred dollars was cleared in a fundraising event for Matt Watkins and family to help restore their fire damaged home. Hazel Carroll, a past president, supervised the job of providing funds for repairing over 100 of the auditorium chairs. An Endowment Fund was established for the benefit of the physical structure of the clubhouse.
The Community Improvement Department, in cooperation with the Jefferson County Board of Health, visited a number of local schools in the interest of a mosquito control program. The club received an award for this work. A scholarship in the amount of $500 was given to the winner of the Junior Miss Contest.”]
[efitems title=”1982 – 1984 Mrs. Oliver Harriman (Minnie)” text=”Fourteen committees planned an International Luncheon in November 1982. Many interesting exhibits, representing various countries, were set up in the clubhouse and food for which each country was famous was enjoyed by members and guest. The Internationals told how they came to be in Louisville and were dressed in clothing representing their native county.
Volunteer work at Maryhurst School for delinquent girls began during this administration. At the April 1983 state convention of the Kentucky Federation of Women’s Clubs, we were proud as the president of our club accepted ten awards. Included in these was the one-hundred dollar Johnson Award given to the cub doing outstanding work with juvenile delinquents. We also brought home the one-hundred dollar check given by the Federation for selling the most Kentucky Hospitality cookbooks.”][efitems title=”1984 – 1986 Mrs. Katherine P. Goodman” text=”During this administration, we changed our program of charity contributions. Instead of giving small donations to many agencies, we programmed a good portion of our money to education. Tuition was paid for two girls from Doss High School to attend the University of Louisville.
There was a need to look into and change our purchasing methods used for many years in buying necessary items for operating the clubhouse. A lot of shopping had to be done to find better prices. A commercial sweeper and an extractor were purchased so that our custodian could keep the large floor areas in good condition.”]
[efitems title=”1986 – 1988 Mrs. William B. Eubanks (Mary Allice)” text=”This administration stressed the importance of using program materials offered by the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs, and changes were made in the set-up of our department and divisions in order to tie in closer with the national organization. Involvement in community activities was of importance to our president. A large town meeting was planned with County Judge Elect Harvey Sloan and St. Matthews Mayor Arthur Draut as speakers. A very large enthusiastic crown attended.
Square dancers from many Kentucky towns joined local groups for an evening of dancing in our clubhouse as we participated in the 1986 St. Matthews Indian Summer Fall Festival. Again, in the fall of 1987, the Fine Arts Department of our club was involved in the festival.
A flag that had been flown over the United States Capitol Building was sent to us by Congressman Ron Mazzoli. On November 23, 1987, an impressive patriotic program was held in memory of veterans of the St. Matthews area. The flag was raised at this time on the new flag pole and dedicated to Petty Officer First Class Matt E. Watkins, United States Navy and veteran of World War ll.
We owe a debt of gratitude to the club women who worked many hours building and developing the Woman’s Club of St. Matthews. The accomplishments and outstanding service to the community of the first fifty years are looked upon with pride.”]
[efitems title=”1988 – 1990 Mrs. C. J. Williams (Pat)” text=”Pat started her presidency off with a meeting on the Star of Louisville. The Woman’s Club of St. Matthews library installed a handsome book case in the library room at the front of the building. The ladies of Home Life knitted 54 sweater-vests for the girls of Maryhurst and 42 shawls for the residents of 2 nursing homes. The Drama department did Marsh Norman’s Night Mother. Ten members went to Frankfort to visit the House and Senate in session. In October of 1989, eight members started volunteering at the Children’s Waiting Room at Family Court on two to three Wednesdays a month. The club starts holding a Fall Boutique headed by Mary Ann Rhodes in November of 1990.”]
[efitems title=”1990 – 1992 Mrs. Harold Barner (Bea)” text=”The club continues with monthly birthday bingo parties for the girls at Maryhurst. Each department was responsible for the food and prizes for their month. Twice yearly members give a bingo party with food and prizes for the patients at Veteran’s Hospital. Beth Butterfield was sponsored to the Hugh O’Brien Youth Seminar by the club. The Woman’s Club of St. Matthews was the location for the St. Matthews Community Pride Breakfast. Contributions to the community in 1991 totaled $1,997.54. The Drama department did Ladies of the Mop and Florence Unlimited.“]
[efitems title=”1992 – 1994 Mrs. David F. Pearson (Penny)” text=”Trying something new, Penny requested that each third Monday be committee meeting day instead of a program. In September, a trip to the Indianapolis Museum of Art was taken to see the William Paley Collection exhibit. In the fall of 1993 a vey important vote was taken on whether to sell our clubhouse property or not. Neil Huffman had approached with an offer a property of our choice, an build a building of our choice, and then swap properties. Nettie Lee Blair led a committee to find such a property. After much discussion the vote was overwhelming against selling. Club member Karin Hatam gave German and French lessons to club members with the fees going to Operation Smile. The club contributed $2,818.80 to help the community in different ways. Many lap robes and baby blankets were knitted for nursing home patients and St. Matthews Area Ministries. The Drama department performed The Sitting with 11 cast members portraying the ladies. This was a play about a picture of Woman’s Club members at the beginning of General Federation of Women’s Clubs.”]
[efitems title=”1994 – 1996 Mrs. William Eubanks (Mary Alice)” text=”The club continues with the annual Spring and Fall Style Shows, plus lunch and cards. These area always money makers for the upkeep of the building. The bridge marathon was played in homes of members. The annual Derby party was a pot luck supper with live music and dancing. There was betting on the Derby horses and other games also. The club held its Junque and Jewels sale in the fall of each year as an indoor yard sale. This was a lot of work, but was the biggest financial gain for the club. The chorus continues to serenade the club at Christmas and the birthday parties.”]
[efitems title=”1996 – 1998 Jeanne Wagner” text=”The Woman’s Club of St. Matthews had seven schools participate in the poetry and short story contest for grades 1 – 12. At the Christmas party there was a cookie exchange and the chorus led the singing of carols. The club sponsored George Hill at the Community Pride Breakfast for his many contributions to the club. The Drama department presented an original paly written by club member Milburn Bauer’s daughter, Susan, entitled Bonnie Burnout. The bridge marathon and he two book review groups were still going strong.”]
[efitems title=”1998 – 2000 Alma Talbott” text=”The club held the Third District Arts and Crafts contest for students in February. In November of 1999 an AARP Driving Course was sponsored by our club. This was a two day course that was very good for older drivers to review their habits and the laws. The club is still meeting each Monday of the month September through May. The book review groups, bridge marathon and art and craft group are still meeting regularly. The big money makers continue to keep the members working hard to keep the building going. These activities include the Fall and Spring Style Show, Lunch and Bridge, the Junque and Jewels yard sale, and the Christmas Bazaar.”]
[efitems title=”2000 – 2002 Alma Talbott” text=”An Open House was held on September 24, 2000 for members and guest to see our clubhouse renovation consisting of new flooring, new paint, new carpeting in the foyer, new upholstery on the love seats, and new blinds and valances. Caroline Francis, Executive Director of the New Opportunity School for Women (Kentucky Federation of Women’s Club President’s Special Project) was the guest speaker on October 30, 2000. Seven club members attended the graduation ceremony of the NOSW at Boone Tavern in Berea on February 17, 2001. Club members donated gently used clothing to be given to the women attending the NOSW’s three week course.
Empty pill bottles were collected for Haiti for their hospital to use to dispense pills. At the request of Kentucky Federation of Women’s Club President, Donna Short, our club members along with other federated clubs, donated Easter candy to be used to fill Easter baskets for the boys at the Cardinal Treatment Center. At the club’s 64th birthday party a $500 scholarship was present to a high school senior.”]
[efitems title=”2002 – 2004 Mrs. Harry Embry (Sally)” text=”A Junque and Jewels fundraiser was held in the summer of 2002. Items that remained after the sale were boxes and donated to Wayside Christian Mission. It was decided to hold a Holiday Boutique in November 2002 and rent tables to vendors to raise funds for the club. The club sent 64 bottles containing 6.480 vitamins to the Catholic Medical Foundation with then sends them on to clinics in Third World countries. Quilts and gowns made by our members were sent to Operation Smile. Empty pill bottles were collected for the Northwest Haiti Mission. Paper goods were collected and delivered to the Hospital Hospitality House in 2003 and books from the club library were presented to Atria Senior Home. In April 2004, a Fashion Show was held with fashions from Coldwater Creek. June, July and August luncheon/card parties were held in this president’s term.”]
[efitems title=”2004 – 2007 Mrs. David Brooks (Jackie)” text=”Eight women from Woman’s Club of St. Matthews attended the annual state Kentucky Federation of Women’s Club convention held in Louisville at the Galt House Hotel. During the convention, our club was presented a certificate in recognition of our efforts regarding Violence towards Women Seminar held at our clubhouse on Friday, April 22, 2005. On January 21, 2006, the Third District Luncheoon and Style Show was held at the Woman’s Club of St. Matthews clubhouse. This district wide event raised $500 toward the district scholarship fund.
On May 8, 2006, the voted to sell our building and property as we no longer wished to maintain and operate such a large property. An auction of the furniture and equipment of the club was held at the clubhouse on July 20, 2006.
At the 112th Annual State Convention of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Kentucky, April 19, 2007, Past President Nettie Lee Blair and Virginia Guinn received their 50 year Gold Cards and certificates. On May 21, 2007, the club presented Ella Cline, Nettie Lee Blair, and Virginia Guinn with their 50 year pins.
On May 22, 2007, forty-seven pounds of items consisting of coloring books, activity books, boxes of crayons and colored pencils were mailed to Iraq to be distributed at a place were Iraqi adults can come to see a doctor and U.S. soldiers can volunteer to help entertain the children.”]
[efitems title=”2007 – 2009 Pat Lynes Kiser” text=”The club’s past President Jackie Brooks was installed as General Federation of Women’s Clubs Kentucky Secretary on May 17, 2008 and served during two administrations. The club celebrated our 70th birthday on May 25, 2008 at St. Matthews Episcopal Chruch. In October 2008 and 2009, the club participated in Shop & Share at Kroger Grocery to benefit violence victims throughout Kentucky and the Center for Women and Families ( our local shelter). It was decided to hold furture meeting of our club at Eden Terrace. Eight club members either knitted or crocheted 141 – 6 inch x 9 inch rectangles for the handmade afghans as thanks our Armed Forces Project (HAP). These rectangles will be joined with rectangles made by others to produce twin bed size afghans.”]
[efitems title=”2009 – 2011 Fran Evola (Mrs. John McGinnis)” text=”The crowning achievement of this administration was the final settlement of the sale of the property and investment of the proceeds. The focus of the club changed somewhat, due to now being able to give to the community and really make a difference. Meetings were moved to The Bristol at Masonic Home property on Frankfort Avenue. In February 2011, the club again participated in Shop and Share at Kroger Grocery. On March 28, 2011, Peggy Barnes, General Federation of Women’s Club President-Elect, was the guest speaker at our Federation Day celebration. The club joined the St. Matthews Area Business Association and had a booth at the St. Matthews Community Festival on June 11, 2011 in Brown Park to promote membership in our club. Two $5,000 scholarships were awarded in 2011″]
[efitems title=”2011 – 2012 Mrs. Robert Potts (Beverly)” text=”The club voted to donate $500 a month to St. Matthews Area Ministries to help with their outreach program through the food pantry and diapers for babies. Five Woman’s Club of St. Matthews members presented a $500 check to General Federation of Women’s Club Kentucky at the Kentucky Federation of Women’s Club Board of Directors Summer meeting. The meeting was held at the Okolona Woman’s Club to help with the expenses of painting the exterior of Headquarter at 1228 Cherokee Road.
We took part in Shop and Share again, to benefit the local domestic abuse shelter. To support the Kentucky Federation of Women’s Club Juniors Special Project, we planted a pinwheel garden on a highly visible area in St. Matthews, the lawn at Bethel-St. Paul Church. We placed 200 blue and white pinwheels with a banner on the lawn for the month of April 2011 to remind everyone to help prevent child abuse. Four $5,000 college scholarships were awarded in May 2012.”]
[efitems title=”2012 – 2015 Fran Evola (Mrs. John McGinnis)” text=”We supported the St. Matthews Fire Department by donating funds to purchase a defibrillator, a flat-screen television for the Training Room and a devise to measure the oxygen in the blood. We purchased stuffed animals/ blankets for the St. Matthews Police Department so the officers could have them in the vehicles when needed to comfort a child. We increased our support to the St. Matthrews Area Ministries to $750 per month. We award four $5,000 college scholarships in May of 2013 and again in Mary 0f 2014. We have seen our membership grow by 13 new members so far since August 2014.
In the Spring of 2015, we gave out $10,000 in college scholarships to women in the St. Matthews area, to assist them in furthering their education. We also awarded $17,500 in collage scholarships to high school seniors, opening the scholarship program to all five schools in the area. Ballard, Sacred Heart, Trinity, Waggener and Walden. Scholarship information and applications were put on our website for easy access, as was our membership application.”]
[efitems title=”2015 – 2017 Mrs. Robert Potts (Beverly)” text=”The Woman’s club started the new year by supporting the works of St. Matthews Area Ministries, with a donation of $700 per month. The club continues support of our community with donations of $500 each to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Make a Wish Foundation. A $250 donation was made to the St. Matthews Little League to start a Bambino Buddy Ball League for the handicapped and a $1,500 donation to St. Matthews Elementary School to purchase chrome books (computers) for the children to do their work on. A donation was also made to the Louisville Children’s Traveling Museum, St. Matthews Elementary School music department, and Home of the Innocents. Our clubwomen sewed gowns for Operation Smile and created small flower arrangements which were distributed by clubwomen to residents of a local nursing home. Clubowomen toured the local historical Nunnlea House, and as a result our club joined the Nunnlea House preservation committee as a supporter of their work. Our club presented our annual college scholarships to five deserving high school seniors.
To address conservation members toured the local Idlewild Butterfly Gardens. We held a Trivia night to raise money for our scholarship and members volunteered throughout the year at Supplies Over Seas, which collects medical supplies from hospitals that were going to be sent to landfills . Clubwomen made doggie chew toys out of used t-shirts and offered them at the annual St. Matthews Street Festival for a donation to the Woman’s Club of St. Matthews Scholarship fund. In addition, clubwomen collected wish list items, toilet and paper towel cardboard rolls, pet food and additional handmade chew toys and donated all to the Kentucky Humane Society.”]
[efitems title=”2017 – 2019 Mary Jo Nay (Mrs. Raymond F. Barrow)“]
Club Year 2017 Click Here
Club Year 2018 Click Here
Club Year 2019 Click Here
[efitems title=”2020 Fran Evola” text=”In looking back over this crazy year, I’m amazed at how much we accomplished and how much difference the Woman’s Club of St Matthews has quietly made in the lives of others.
So many members have contributed this year. Back in February, we transferred our items in storage to a new unit in the same facility. Several of the members and their husbands made that happen.
Also in February, Carrie Shepherd led a workshop where we made mini-florals for Senior Care Experts to deliver with food trays to the shut-ins. That was before we all became shut-ins due to Covid-19.
In March, our own Teresa Schmidt, was to be installed as our GFWC KY State President at a grand event that had to be canceled. Regardless of Covid-19, she is our State President and has done a wonderful job! She has traveled all over the state and hasn’t let anything slow her down.
We donated funds for a VA Baby Shower and Renee Finnegan was able to purchase a playpen and stroller/car seat.
In July, a few of us attended the State Convention in Lexington. Our club won lots of awards and most of them should be attributed to our former club President, Mary Jo Nay, who worked tirelessly for the club and put together fabulous reports. Mary Jo was nominated for Clubwoman of the Year but that award was not presented this year. She is still our 2019 Clubwoman of the Year!
For the rest of Spring and most of the Summer, we couldn’t meet in person but we did have a few short Zoom meetings to just reconnect with each other, and Renee Finnegan led us in some much-needed chair yoga.
Renee used part of the budgeted amount to buy gift cards for the VA Volunteer Services for which we received a nice thank you.
It wasn’t until September that we ventured out to the Picnic Pavilion at the Community Center for a socially-distant but in-person meeting. The representatives from Stock Yards Bank were there and reassured us that our investments had made a recovery and though we didn’t award any scholarships this year, we are well-poised for next year.
At this same meeting, thank you notes were prepared to accompany the gift cards to be given to the St. Matthews police officers and staff members. This may have been the highlight of our year! It really seemed to have made a difference in a dark time for the officers. Thank you to Jean Duncan for the idea and to all the ladies that did the hand-written notes.
Joyce Hoffman has worked diligently all year to assist us in making a decision on the use of our surplus funds. Finally, at the October meeting we were able to conclude this dilemma and divided the $1400 into seven $200 donations to the VA, Feed Louisville, Waggener High School, St. Matthews Elementary, St. MAM Food Pantry, St. MAM Emergency Relief Fund and to GFWC-KY for the Run for the Roses fundraiser at the SER Convention.
Renee Finnegan, Judy Mayfield and Sandy Iacocca delivered our check to Feed Louisville, then stayed and volunteered to prepare food.
Renee also works with Kentucky Refugee Ministries and they are currently in need of fleece blankets for the children since it’s getting cold. I know lots of blankets have been delivered to Renee for this worthy cause. She will probably need a truck to deliver all of them on November 19th. Renee gets my vote as our 2020 Clubwoman of the Year.
All year, I have had great support from the Executive Board, a truly remarkable group of ladies, always there to guide the club even when we couldn’t meet.
Now, here we are at the Thanksgiving season and I am truly thankful to each of you for hanging there, doing what you could do, maintaining a positive attitude and making the Woman’s Club of St. Matthews an organization to be proud of.”]
[efitems title=”2021 Donna Burke” text=”Donna’s term of office began in January 2021. Due to Covid-19, most business meetings were held via Zoom, and program meetings were suspended in concern for the safety of the members. The May meeting was scheduled to be held outdoors at the Pavilion behind Ten Pin Lanes, but was cancelled at the last minute due to weather concerns. In June, the first in-person meeting was held since October 2020. Eighteen members were in attendance and were very happy to see each other.
Little business of significance was held in 2021 beyond regular donations to St. MAM and the award of scholarships to four high school seniors.
A highlight of Donna’s term was the February meeting was when she treated members by singing several love songs in recognition of Valentine’s Day.”]
[efitems title=”2022 No President” text=” Since there was no president for the 2022 year, the Executive Board conducted the meetings.
The January meeting was cancelled because of Covid concerns. The January program speaker was Brigette Boulliard from Second Chances Wildlife Center. She brought with her a skunk named Rudy.
Various GFWC events were discussed at the February meeting. Our program for February was Basic Introduction to Tai Chi which was led by Sandy Iacocca. Two videos of Tai Chi were given as door prizes.
At the March meeting it was decided to give Honorary Membership to Pat Kiser. Pat has been a member since 1997 and served as President from 2007 to 2009. She also has served as Recording Secretary for several years. Updated club handbooks were distributed at this meeting. The March program was Layla George from the Olmsted Parks Conservancy.
Representatives from Stock Yards Bank were present to give the annual report on the WCSM investments at the April meeting. A Derby Party was held at the Nunnlea House. This was the first gathering since Covid! Many items were raffled off and lunch was catered by Ladyfingers Catering.
A total of six scholarship awards were announced at the May meeting. The Scholarship Reception was held at the Nunnlea House.
It was announced at the June meeting that since the Club now has 46 members, it has been moved to the large group standing for reporting to GFWC. The Club placed third for Educational and Library Services. The Birthday and Federation Day was held at the Nunnlea House. The theme was 1938 (WCSM founding). Jackie Brooks and Bev Potts did a great job presenting the past history of the Club. Tea with appropriate finger food was served.
In August the members donated gift cards to help with the flooding in Eastern Kentucky. The speaker at the August program was Teresa Schmidt who spoke about her tenure as the GFWC/KY President. Teresa was voted the best State President at the last national convention held in New Orleans. A reception in her honor was held afterwards.
At the September meeting a Nominations Committee was formed to present the 2023 slate of officers. The speaker for September was Stacey Yates, VP of Marketing Communications with the Louisville Convention and Visitors Bureau.
The proposed budget and slate of officers were presented at the October meeting. The Open House was held at the newly remodeled Arterburn (formerly St. Matthews Community Center). Six new members joined.
The slate of officers and proposed budget were voted on at the November meeting. A total of $4,500 was given to Waggener High School to set up a respite room for the teachers. The Arts and Culture Program was held at the Rhonda Goodall Gallery.
A Christmas Party was held at Debby Mercer’s house. Members brought a dish and a gift. There was a large spread of delicious food and games were played. Everyone had a great time.
Cardboard tubes for Humane Society and Raptor Rehab, pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House, shoes for WaterStep, and used greeting cards were collected at all meetings.
Various committees started back up after Covid:
SOS – The Club started back to volunteering once a month at SOS (Supplies Overseas) in July. In October the Club started to volunteer twice a month.
Mah Jong – In March the Mah Jong group started meeting at W.W. Cousins every Tuesday. Some new members also joined the group.
Bridge – Various members started back to playing Bridge.
Book Club – In October the book club started back up on the second Wednesday of the month.”]
- Past Club Presidents (L-R) Mary Jo Nay, Fran Evola, Pat Kiser, Penny Pearson, and Beverly Potts
- Past Club Presidents (L-R) Fran Evola, Mary Jo Nay, Sally Embry, Penny Pearson, Beverly Potts
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