


Speaker: Ms. Bridgette Brouillard
Monday, January 24
10:30 a.m. 
St. Matthews City Hall Meeting Room
3940 Grandview Ave, First Floor
The Woman’s Club of St Matthews is happy to announce that Bridgette Brouillard will be coming to St. Matthews City Hall for our program.  We will be starting the year with a knowledgeable speaker who will show and explain how small animals have been rescued by Second Chance Wildlife.  She may even bring some!!!!   Environment chair, Fran Evola, has asked Ms. Brouillard to share the organizations expertise and conservation of native wildlife.  We are happy to welcome her to our meeting at 10:30 a.m. at the St. Matthews City Hall building.  

Things to remember when coming:

1.  We will ALL be wearing masks.  (Extra masks will be available, if you forget yours!)

2.  Remember parking is street and some parking lot spaces. Additional parking in the rear library lot, but you will have to walk around the side of the building to enter in the City Hall Administration entrance.  

Thanks to all members who have assisted others by giving time or cash as well as creating or collecting various items for those in need.

3.  If you have made any contributions of cash, time, household items, personal items, or collection items, to any organization, charity, or benefit, please submit a list to Pat Marshall ASAP for the club’s annual GFWCKY reporting. Deadline for Reports, February 1, 2022. 

4.  If you have not paid your yearly dues, please bring them to the program meeting.
Calendar of upcoming events:
February 14–Business meeting. 10:30 am St, Matthews City Hall
February 28–Sandra Iacocca, Health & Wellness Chair, has arranged a speaker. time change:  11:30-1:00 pm.St. Matthews City Hall