
Hello, ladies!
I am sharing some of the same information as last week, as our KY officers and chairmen are getting lots of questions from members. Please be sure to share the information from these weekly emails with your clubwomen! Our goal across the state is to make sure that we are communicating with ALL members through these weekly emails to presidents and our bi-monthly state publications sent to all members!
Just a few reminders for this week:
GFWC KY is hosting its rst-ever Friendsgiving event at our headquarters in Frankfort, Saturday, Nov. 16. The address is 104 Lakeview Ct., Frankfort. All GFWC KY members are invited! We will be enjoying a bountiful meal together in the spirit of Thanksgiving. The meat and drinks will be provided by the executive committee. Each district has been given a side dish category, and members attending should bring that type of side. There is no need to make a huge amount, just a regular recipe amount, as there will be PLENTY of sides to choose from. (I know I plan to take a little sample of them all!)🤣

The assignments are as follows:

Western Waterways-SALADS (greens, pasta, coleslaw, etc)
Gateway to the Bluegrass-POTATOES (mashed, potato salad, casserole, etc.)
Golden Fillies-VEGETABLES (green beans, corn pudding, sweet potatoes, etc.)
Midwest-FRUIT (jello, fruit salad, fruit tray, etc.)
Mountain-DESSERTS (cookies, cupcakes, brownies, candy, etc.)
Cumberland-BREAD (rolls, crackers, cornbread, biscuits)

In the spirit of giving, attendees are encouraged to bring a canned food item (or more) to share with the food pantry that is next to our headquarters building in Frankfort. This will enable them to provide a delicious holiday meal to those in need. Their only request is that the donations must be CANNED food only. Cans with pull tabs are even better, but not necessary.

Clubs are also being asked to bring an ornament to adorn the holiday tree at headquarters. We would love to have the club name and year on the ornament. Sharpie markers will be available that day, if needed.

Please RSVP to President Amy Mason as soon as possible! Let her know how many from your club are planning to attend, or encourage your members to RSVP individually by email or text. You can submit a tentative number and update if needed. An estimated attendance number is needed to order the meat and any other favors for the event! or 270-366-3927

The next issue of our state publication (newsletter) will be coming out soon. Please check with your club members to make sure everyone is receiving this information-packed resource from the state. It will be emailed from KFWC Headquarters. If a member says she is not receiving this publication, please contact Peggy Barnes at She may need to correct the email address she has on le
or add the member to the master list.

REPORTING WORKSHOPS VIA ZOOM WILL BE HELD THURSDAY, NOV. 14 @ 7:00pmET AND MONDAY, NOV. 18 @ 1:00pmET. This will be the SAME workshop oered at two dierent times to try to accommodate as many people’s schedules as possible. I strongly encourage you to attend one of these meetings. Feel free to invite other members who may be doing your club reporting at the end of the year. Please email me names and email addresses of whomever is participating, along with which meeting they will be attending, so I can send invitations with the Zoom link. Let me know as soon as possible. Thanks! This will be a great way to get all of your reporting questions answered in real time!😊

Have you joined the Legislative Action Center yet? Information was shared at district meetings, but I am happy to help anyone who still needs to get signed up! It’s a great (and super easy) way to participate in the legislative process and make your voice heard in Washington! It is this kind of grassroots advocacy that has resulted in the passage of many important bills in our nation’s history! GFWC has been an integral part of many legislative actions protecting women and children, our environment, and so much
more! (If you are already signed up, I hope you are participating when the opportunities arise.)

Have you heard about GFWC’s Measles Mission, the challenge set for us by Shot@Life, a GFWC aliate organization? Members of GFWC have been challenged to raise money to vaccinate 16,000 children worldwide against measles. Just $5 will provide both doses of the vaccine needed to immunize a child against measles for life! That means raising $80,000 during the 2024-2026 administration! This is a very achievable goal with a little help from everyone! Learn more at Would your club like to learn more about Shot@Life in general, or the Measles Mission in particular? I am a trained Shot@Life
Champion who has been very involved in both fundraising and advocacy work at the federal level. I would love to speak at your club meeting and share my passion for this GFWC alate (partner)! Reach out to me for more information. My contact information is at the end of this message.

Until next week. . . . . .

Bridget Murphy
GFWC KY President-elect